The people lack self-sufficiency, there is gross injustice, and criminals roam freely. Our rulers are terrible, they hate you and they hate nature, and they exploit you and they exploit nature. Democrats and republicans and all other politicians perpetuate physical weakness, teach stupidity and maintain wage-slavery and democratic factionalism to divide and conquer us into competing groups, and to exploit and extract wealth from honest and hardworking Americans. But we are all one people who should be a united political organism in our universal hatred of evil and hatred of oppression. We want to be FREE! from the liberal tyranny of the plutocratic-oligarchy, and this can only occur through a visionary Supreme Leader and Totalitarian One-Party State. There must be-


Americans Awaken from your nightmare! Join the RADICAL CENTRIST AMERICAN GREEN PARTY!

The America nation needs to become a national organism with powerful and long-lasting life, aims and means of action, which are well above those of its single or grouped individuals.
It needs to represent once again a moral, political and economic unity, which is fully realized in the Nation State. Groups and individuals are to be conceived insofar as within this Nation State.
We require a State that is ethical, organic, inclusive, a spiritual guide and point of reference for the national community; a State that is a spiritual and moral entity. Its first task will be to reaffirm and recapture the sovereignty and autonomy threatened by the strong private and internationalistic powers.
We want a free and strong America, free from tutelage, master of all its energies, aimed toward its future. A social and national America according to a vision enshrined in the immortal ideology of Thomashunterosguthorpism, known in shorthand as Talitarism, an alteration form of Totalitarianism.
We consider our enemy and that of the nation all that places private interests before the common good, every individualistic and oligarchic conception of the State, all that leads to a defacement of its people and its culture, all that is enemy of its structure and essence.
We consider our friend and that of the nation everyone who operates in the interest of the American people and who takes to heart its destiny, beauty and social dignity.
Due to its history and for its destiny America has the need to exercise an avant-garde function in overseeing the safety and security of the world, all our allies united in prosperity, all our enemies pacified and destroyed.

Fighting for peace and prosperity since the founding of the totalitarian party organization: 5/5/2025

Ideology of Talitarism (Thomashunterosguthorpism)

The ideology of Talitarism, also known as Thomashunterosguthorpism, is the political program of the Supreme Leader of the Radical Centrist American Green Party that emphasizes three main principles and twelve main positions by which the leader and party stands for.Three Principle of the Party1 - There must be a strong, peaceful, prosperous state and society, the RCAGP advocates for this as the ideal state to strive for and cultivate.2 - This ideal state is total, ideologically encompasses all that exists in state and society, which is all that is political, social, cultural, & economic.3 - The State should be operated under the “Leadership Principle” i.e. all-embracing authority is invested in the person of Thomas Hunter Osguthorpe who has the overarching vision and skillser to craft this ideal state and must be given the tools necessary to implement his MASTER PLAN and enact universal peace and prosperity.
Twelve Positions of the Party1. Legalist framework for the state must be implemented and law and order upheld, criminals and villains of society must be punished and rooted out with no mercy.2. Nuclear and clean energy must be emphasized always and coal and fossil fuels deemphasized while maintaining the welfare of those who work in such industries.3. Infrastructure must undergo massive expansion with improved transportation for walkable cities, buses, trains. The nation must be interconnected and easy to travel in.4. Nationalization of all essential industries in society. Capitalism and market economies lead themselves to generate plutocrats who exploit people and nature, they must go.5. Environmental policy and more ecological protections. Humanity must integrate themselves into an organic and natural ecosystem for a variety of health benefits.6. Welfare programs to improve people's social conditions. Primarily through a Public Distribution Program to ensure all Americans are able to get the neccesities to live.7. Protection of national wellness through physical and psychological discipline and training. In order to offset modern health issues, Americans must learn embody strength.8. Education programs for mental health, and gun safety. In order to decrease violent occurrences people must be educated and their minds cultivated into a better mindset.9. Border protection, including measures against illegality. Those who would disregard America's laws do not belong in this country, they must go without any exception.10. Crackdown on crime and gangs, that is harsh and impartial. All those parasites, vermin, social contagions who would harm the body of America must be cleansed from the nation.11. Workers’ rights protected against all exploitation from those who would steal the fruits of their labor and hard work. People must be able to survive and thrive off essential work.12. Reforming of the legislative, judicial, executive systems as so that it may be totally coordinated and synchronized with society and all social and cultural institutions.

RCAGP Particular Positions and Policy

Environmental Policy

Ban the use of unnecessary plasticsPhase out the use of non-biodegradable and single-use products, except where necessary.Build more zero carbon households every year, incentives for markets with lower taxes on carbon zero householdsHomes must be built with solar (provided it is practical in that location) which is connected to the grid. The solar panels of the home may be used to power the home, or the energy it produces may be sold to the grid at market prices as a form of passive income to the homeowner.Homes must be built with geothermal heat pumps (either per-house or community ones), or air-source heat pumps & district heating where it is not feasible, such as in urban centersHigher the budget for nuclear fission energy significantly, create and direct a large-scale team to begin a race towards viable, cost-effective nuclear fusion.All large cargo ships must be nuclear-poweredBan the imports of wild animal trophies
Set targets for nuclear power as a percentage of total share in energy production, with the target being 50%.
With the remaining 50% energy needs, they are to be fulfilled with a combination of, in order of priority; Wind, Ocean/Tidal, Solar, and Geothermal.Materials used in energy production, such as wind - should be as entirely recyclable as possible, and use recycled materials in turn.A total ban on the usage of coal, natural gas, oil, and other such similar products on their use for generation of energy.
Tighten air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution regulations
A national environment day(s) in which all citizens participate in cleaning their cities, streets, and parks. I do mean all, this includes fast-food workers & CEO’s alike.Retrofit old infrastructure, and require all new infrastructure to be able to withstand extreme weather events.Power Grids should be built with extreme levels of redundancy.
All electronic appliances should meet a minimum set of standards for efficiency.
Replace all lead-based pipes.Total ban of leaded fuels in cars, trucks, and planes – airplanes in specific should move to less polluting fuelsMove to Ban Combustion-Powered personal vehicles as soon as possibleBuilding’s in general should not be built to only stand for less than a century (except in the cases of intentionally temporary buildings, obviously).Make Tree Planting Tax-Deductible, provided it is done in an ecologically sound way (e.x no planting of a million non-native species in a random area)Aim for 70% of Domestic Waste being recycledEnsure that manufactured goods are durable, repairable, and reusable - eliminating ‘planned obsolescence’.Ban the production & sale of clothing that consists of more than 10% plastics (polyester, nylon, etc).Phase out non-electric energy use both industrially & domestically, such as; Gas-Powered Heaters, Stoves, etc.Use sustainable methods to control undergrowth, such as sheep or goats, rather than employing the use of herbicides.Ban drift-net fishing.Manufacturers must provide spare parts for the expected lifetime (here defined as how long the product is on the market, or how long the product can last, whichever is higher) of a product plus 5 years, or 10 years total - whichever is higher, with clearly explained documentation on how to carry out repairs without the use of specialized equipment.Extreme Rural Areas, where people live miles apart or in otherwise anti-social conditions, are to be prohibited from being created or expanded.

Education Policy

Ban on private tutoring
Ban on foreign teachers who are not residents
Ban on companies that teach curriculum outside of school hours
Abolish paid meals in k-12 school, create training programs for school cooks to be trained to create real meals, and transition from frozen food to locally sourced fresh ingredients. From which the trained cooks can create a variety of healthy meals. Knowing this is a large goal to accomplish, the first major transition before reaching this end goal would be the banning of all corporate influence in school lunch programs. Instead, relying on surplus food stocks from farmers (a win for both the schools and local farmers) with the current poorly-trained cafeteria staff doing basic scratch preparation before moving into trained professionals.
Require the teaching of the history of the Nation in a hyper-nationalistic light.
Require that boys be taught masculinity & girls femininity, and vice versa.Schools must teach our values, traditions, and fundamental knowledge.
Require a masters to teach in secondary
Significantly improve pay for all grade levels of Primary/Secondary - with higher improvements in the Secondary space.School starts when a child is 7 years oldShorten school hours from ~7 hours to ~5 hours.
All non-public education must be nationalized including Charter/Private primary/secondary schools and all Tertiary (Colleges, Technical Schools, Universities, etc) schools. Education of the people is a national interest and should not be left to the private sector.
Religious Schools remain permissible granted they do not engage in teaching anything outside the purview of their religion, such as general education that would be covered by state schools, and as such cannot operate during typical school hours.New schools should not be constructed with modernist architecture, incentives to build in a Neoclassical, Ornamental, and Oriental designNo standardized testing until 9th GradeNo grading until 6th gradeAudits must be done without the knowledge of the school or teachers to ensure as unbiased and true-to-life representation of the schoolComplaints made by Teachers, Parents, Students, etc. must be completely anonymous and made out to the National Education branch, rather than to the school or local body, so as to remove any conflict of interest.Make school tests completely anonymous
Introduce more practical/scenario/case study teaching into classes, where students can directly relate taught principles into tangible results. For example, in business studies one course could be a group project where students must work together to make sure their business survives a list of random scenarios like a stock market crash.
Introduce lessons like carpentry, journalism, woodworking, outdoor skills, how to grow basic foods, cooking, more practical skills.Primary-Aged children must participate in climbing, camping, hiking, etc. Secondary-Aged children must participate further with weapons training, basic tactics, hand-to-hand combat, land navigation, and other such similar areas of training.The importance of the collective must be stressed, greater emphasis on community & nation.Introduce Logic/Reasoning, and Philosophy courses as part of the mandatory curriculumFocus Philosophy on Aristotelian-Thomistic PhilosophyEducation & Training must result in the cessation of class differences, eliminating all social differences between the classes.Free Preschool, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Education for all Citizens.All Pre-School, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary education must be managed in a unified sense at the National level, with little regional autonomy.Structure the school year to reflect a more year-round schedule, without an extended summer break. Instead, maintaining more frequent but shorter breaks throughout the year.Applications to Tertiary education must be managed by the national Education Department, not individual schools, who will then place applicants at a University based on what field they are pursuing, and then by lot which specific University that specializes in that field.Mandatory classes on health & wellbeing to include topics such as, but not limited to; mental health & stress management, first aid, literacy on understanding health science, understanding the national healthcare system, environmental health knowledge such as air quality, tree density, oxygen/co2 saturation in closed spaces, and more with regard to their effects on personal & societal health impacts and how to manage & mitigate them.All students; primary, secondary, and tertiary are to be required to wear school uniforms, which will be provided at no cost to students, when at school or when presenting as a student. In order to balance out the reduction in individual expression, the following will be implemented with the school uniforms; A) Sown Patches and/or Pins representing achievements (academic, sports, arts, community service) or membership in various organizations and clubs. B) Various pre-approved styles of bags & backpacks. C) Achievement or Membership-based accessories such as bracelets, necklaces, etc. and finally, D) Differing uniforms based on stage of education (Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary).

Transportation and Urban Design Policy

Phase out all private use & ownership of cars, trucks, etc - instead, all use and ownership of automobiles requires a commercial license that demonstrates proof of necessity, proof that alternative means are not viable, and are revocable if the automobile is no longer necessary for the operator.
The Phase out of private use & ownership of cars should follow this general path; 1) Banning of Combustion-Powered Automobiles within Cities 2) Banning of Combustion Powered-Automobiles nationally 3) Banning private ownership and use of automobiles in cities 4) Banning of private ownership and use of automobiles nationally
Introduce higher fuel & car taxes to fund Public Transit further and stop the subsidization of car infrastructure.
Tax vehicles by weight. Larger and or longer vehicles must also cost more to insure and licenseVehicles with taller/larger bumpers that impede visibility (such as modern pickup trucks) require a commercial driver's licenseCurtail the expansion of highways and related car-centric transportation systemsBan the production and sale of "SUVs" and unnecessarily large pickup trucks.Abolish single-family house zoningIn general, build more houses, and closer togetherImitate Singapore’s Public Housing practices, the government should build vastly more high-quality public housingAll housing must be either State or otherwise Non-Market provided, resulting in the total cessation of for-profit homeownership.Housing is primarily meant to be a place to live, not an investment.Street space for private vehicles should be reduced and used for alternative functions. Such alternative functions include; walking, cycling, bus lanes, and the public realm for people to enjoy. This will provide more space for an improved place. It should also accommodate parking for sustainable modes, for example private cycle storage, shared e-cycle, and e-scooter bays. Parklets and other reuses should also be prioritized.Mandate Transit-Oriented DevelopmentIn lower frequency public transit systems, implement Clock Face Scheduling competentlyMandate pulse and integrated timetable scheduling for public transit systemsEnact Urban Growth Boundaries similar to those in Portland, and encourage high-density zoning to stop ex-urbans and spillovers.Cities must dedicate a minimum of 10 Acres per 1000 residents of park/green space. Specifically, 3 Acres per 1000 residents of Community Parks, 4 Acres per 1000 residents of Neighborhood parks, and 2 Acres per 1000 residents of Recreation Facilities.All residents in a city must be within 500 meters walking distance of a park/greenspace
All land use plans and concepts must work in concert, a single change to urban design does not help if not in concert with a flurry of other changes
Public Transportation should be publicly owned, either outright or as a publicly-owned company.Any public transportation delay over 5 minutes must be reported to the government and a public apology must be posted.Mandate traffic-calming in nearly all areas, including redesigning all existing roads when construction is done on them
Ban on “Skyscrapers” (Buildings over 100 meters). Any building over 30 meters required manual review and approval by the State & local parties.
Implement a system similar to the Dutch “Sustainable Safety”, which assumes that humans will make mistakes - as such, the road itself is designed to protect people & be consistent, to make it easier to do the right thing. A local access road is designed so that most people will naturally drive the speed limit, slow down at crossings, & be aware of other road users without being explicitly told to do so.Dramatically raise taxes on cars and car ownership, as current car taxes do not come even close to covering the cost of road maintenance, pollution, etcRequire developers who are building new areas to fund/pay for new bicycle & walking infrastructureStandardize the construction of all Public Transit Systems.Create an EXTENSIVE high-speed rail network.Cities must be 100% pedestrian-only, with only commercial/emergency vehicles being permitted.Abolish minimum street widths in suburbs, encourage narrower suburb streets & getting rid of parking.Abolish minimum plot sizes for suburban homesAbolish suburb setback requirements (distance from street to front door)Greater emphasis on Super blocks as the method of Urban planning in cities. The process is quite simple; find an area that is delineated by major roads, this will be the initial area of the Super block. Ideally, it should have mixed zoning and public transit links which are connected to other parts of the city (A metro or train station are best, but trams and buses can also do the job). Next, reorganize directions of traffic, this means strategic placement of 1-way streets. Arrange them so it is easy to drive in and out of the area - but not through it, as eliminating transit traffic is key to the Super block design, while Bicycles and Street-Level public transit should be exempt from this. After this, limit parking for non-residents - otherwise the Super block will just become an inner city parking lot. Only residents should be able to park inside, with the pricing for parking being to disincentivize car ownership. Pricing should also take into account size and propulsion, i.e a person owning a Ford F-350 should pay much more than someone with a Nissan Leaf. Following this, turn streets into mixed-traffic spaces, once there are no clearly delineated traffic lanes & there are people all around, drivers will automatically be more careful, this solves both the lack of space and safety issues. Since there are much fewer cars than before Super block designs, a ton of space is freed up and the streets can be shared by all. We now have space for bike lanes, restaurant terraces, and most importantly - rows of trees to keep things cool during the summer. The noise pollution is now gone, we freed up a ton of space, there is little threat of getting run over, and the street no longer turns into a frying pan during the summer. (This idea was shamelessly copied word-for-word from “Super blocks - The future of Urban Planning” by Adam Something on YouTube, since it’s such a good idea)Incentive mixed zoning and ban the building of strip mallsAll new cities, neighborhoods, villages, etc. must be built with walkability & public transportation in mind first, and not cars - including ex-urban and rural areasConnect as many small villages and ex-urban/rural areas with reliable, punctual, efficient, and high quality train service (does not need to be bullet speed, obviously) train service, streamlining transportation across the entire nation with railSmall population sizes are not an excuse to not include reliable and robust public transportation cities in an area. The city of Insobrough, Austria (pop. 150,000) has 6 tram lines, frequent bus service, and over 300 intercity trains per dayPublic Transportation suffers when cities are not built for it and instead built for Cars - in order for public transportation to work, it needs to have people who want to ride it and destinations where those people want to go. This fundamentally means that public transit access needs to be near where people live and where they want to go, the area around a transit stop that can be accessed by walking is called a walk shed. This area is some of the most valuable land in an entire city, and extremely valuable to the success of public transit. Unfortunately, in many systems (see U.S. and Canada) they often subject the area to the same regulations that prioritizes cars, such as minimum parking requirements. This incentivizes cars by making it easier for cars to get there, but also steals valuable land within walking distance that could have been used for someone's home or destination.A transit plan, without a good land use plan - is a waste of time and resources because the transit system will fail, it will forever be underfunded and struggle to gain ridership. Thus, a well planned and executed land use plan is absolutely necessary for a public transit plan.Avoid the use of “contractors” in public construction projects as much as humanly possible, all work should be done “in-house”.If you propose building transit in North America where there is no development, you will be laughed out of the room. Historically, almost every town was built this way, towns were built around public transit, first with canals then with rail lines. As cities grew they expanded along trams or streetcar lines, now that type of development is seen as crazy. Yet - North Americans don't think twice about building roads or even highways before there is any development, this is seen as completely normal. That is how we get exurbs, suburbs that are connected to nothing. These places will never have public transit. When we design a neighborhood for cars, people will drive for everything and set their life up for driving. Once this has been done, it is a seemingly impossible task to “put that genie back in the bottle” so to speak. Thus, we need to both stop the construction of these sorts of car-centric areas, and to begin building transit out to places even if there are no developments there. China was mocked a few years ago by Americans because they built a train station subway to the middle of nowhere, yet a few years later, that “middle of nowhere” became a city - because it was intentional, the surrounding city needed more development - so they built it around public transit lines. (ref. “America Always Gets This Wrong (when building transit)” by Not Just Bikes)Public Transit acts as a wealth multiplier for cities, a way to bring value to developments by making them more accessible, but that only works if, when you exit that transit, it brings you to somewhere friendly to people walking. (ref. “Confessions of a Recovering Engineer” by Charles L Marohn Jr)Walkable places should be connected by public transit that come so often you don't even need to look at a schedule
Allow & Encourage walkable mixed-use developments within a 10-15 minute walk of every rapid transit system. This would allow a more gradual use of middle housing like those found in most of Europe, instead of giant condo towers next to single-family homes (like those found in Toronto or other North American cities)
Encourage the construction of neighborhoods in areas which have NO car roads, only pedestrian streets (ref. “A Car-Free Neighborhood in an old New Jersey Town” by Alan Fisher)Create “Bike Highways”, which are extensive protected bike paths connecting major areas within cities.Do not allow right turn on reds, as they increase cars hitting pedestrians by 69%.Transform pedestrian crossings into ‘Leading Pedestrian Indicator’ which triggers the walk signal before the green light, allowing pedestrians to get a head startDo not allow slip lanes where pedestrians are expected to cross
Introduce incentives to use public transportation over a car
Narrow lane widthsTraffic lights should be on the near side of the intersection, so that cars have to stop before the zebra crossing in order to see the light.Mandate continuous sidewalks where the sidewalk does not go down to road level, instead cars are the ones needing to ramp up instead of pedestrians ramping down - common in Europe, it is proven to increase pedestrian safetyWe should look to the Netherlands for inspiration for walkability & safety. There, the emphasis is on using infrastructure to slow cars, so it is very difficult for drivers to drive quickly thru crossings. Whereas in the U.S. and Canada there is this outdated belief that crashes between cars & people are because of people not being visible enough. There's almost no acknowledgement that Driver Attention & Driver Speed are the major contributing factors to serious crashes because the overwhelming design goal for N.A streets are to keep cars moving as quickly as possible. Zebra crossings in N.A are really dangerous because you mostly have to cross multiple lanes of traffic and hope that every driver stopsJaywalking is an automobile company propaganda term, virtually no where in the world is it illegal to cross mid-street and even fewer where it is enforcedBan the operation & creation of “Drive-throughs”The temperature has no effect on bike usage (Oulu, Finland is a city that maintains a safe bike path network even in snowy winter months). As such, in order to encourage the use of bike roads even in winter/snowy months, cities must snow plow bike lakes within 3 hours of 2 cm of snow, multiple times a day if necessary to keep the bike roads safe. Cities must guarantee to never allow the snow to reach 4 cm on the bike roads. Cold/Snow is not the issue, winter is a lazy excuse made by ignorant people to make the discussion of safe road infrastructure go away. It is a proven fact that people of all ages will ride a bicycle in the winter, but only if a city is designed for it.Cities should aim for 30% of trips being made by bike, the issue of low bike ridership is because they don't feel safe cycling, which is a fixable issue caused by car-centric designs.100% of a City should be bike-ablePriority should be given to sidewalks and bike paths in winter months for snow plowing, and not car roads.Companies employing the use of trucks on roads must pay increased tolls, as 99% of the wear-and-tear on roads is caused by trucks, while trucks only make up approx. 35% of toll revenueThe use of trucks in transportation of goods between medium and long travel distances must be curbed, replaced in favor of trains.Warehouses must be mandated to have a rail connection, to further discourage the use of trucks in transportationAll train mainlines must be electrifiedAll Railroads must be nationalized, with the system being roughly identical to the interstate system, where the federal government owns the highways, but any private company can use the roads provided they pay the toll.Passenger Rail must be nationalized. (There is NO country in the world with great passenger rail, accessibility, pricing, and frequency that has a privatized rail network).Public Transportation apps should be well-designed and featured to make using public transit easier and more convenient, with inspiration from the Swiss SBB Public Transit app. These include; showing exactly how long a chosen route would take, where you need to change train if on a connection, listings of every station in-between, show the layout of the station where you need to change with the exact path between platforms to change train at a connection to minimize getting lost and missing a connecting train, etc.Establish a National Rail Authority whose job it is to do the above and more, staffed by the most knowledgeable experts in the field of public transportation and urban planning and given wide teaching authority to implement the changes necessary to make public transportation and urban planning superior.Cities must dedicate a minimum of 33% of their area to greenspace.An average of 60% of children should be making their trips to school by walking or cycling (60% is the same average as the Netherlands)Public Transit must be universally free to use.Use Geofencing to limit all cars, trucks, etc. to the speed limit.

Healthcare Policy

Universal & Free Healthcare for all Citizens of the nation.Ban on private healthcare for all purposesRequirement to visit your doctor regularly, depending on the judgement of the Doctor, however the minimum is one annual visit.Greater emphasis on mental health awareness & treatmentPeople who are noted as overweight during their annual visit to the Doctor, must be given a dietary plan to follow - with semi-monthly visits thereafter with a nutritionist to ensure their progress in losing weight. If adequate progress is not being made, further re-education is required, and if after a full year, no or inadequate progress is still being noticed, then the person is assigned a personal trainer and is legally mandated to engage in physical activity. If after all these attempts are made and results aren’t reached, they will be taxed 1% for every point above 25 they are in their BMI.Health is a public/national matter, as such - it is in the state’s interest to promote the nation’s people to be as healthy & fit as possible. A healthy people are a stronger, smarter, and more productive people.Further regulations on the food industry; what types of sugar can be used, how many grams per unit can be in our foodstuffs, tax incentives for healthier products, limiting the amount of saturated fats per serving, and so onBan on Fast Food chains.Ban on production of cigarettesBan on SmokingBan all artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and food additives not explicitly approved by the State after careful research and impact studies have been conducted on their effects.Stricter enforcement of food safety regulationsFurther reduction and banning of chemicals which cause cancer being used in productsPrescription drugs Ads are not allowedStricter standards on drug testing, all results must be public.Any company found to be violating health standards, whether they falsify records or lie - they must be nationalized and the company leaders arrested. International companies will be banned from national sales.Companies must have minimal to no involvement in the process of the government determining if a product, drug, etc. is safe for the peopleReview times must be increased for products, drugs, and foodsBan on consumption of Alcohol except for religion, more products must be deniedEuthanasia / Assisted Suicide is to be prohibited in all cases.Implement a centralized, secure electronic health record system accessible to all healthcare providers within the national healthcare system, centralized such that any doctor at any hospital any access a patient’s entire medical history when necessary, secure such that patients retain control over who has access to their medical information.Establish a dedicated government agency for pandemic preparedness and response.Establish a national system for ongoing professional development and recertification for all healthcare workers, similar to how Airline Pilots receive training every year to ensure their skills remain sharp alongside receiving new information as the airline industry evolves. As such, all medical professionals should receive A) Mandatory annual training hours based on specialization B) Annual educational updates on the latest developments in medical science C) Interdisciplinary training (i.e a psychiatrist might receive training a neurologist usually gets, as they might learn new information about how the brain works which they can use themselves as a psychiatrist) to improve collaboration between different healthcare specialties D) Training in new medical technologies and treatment methods E) Ongoing workshops on ethics & patient communication skills F) Stress Management & Burn-Out Prevention programsHealthcare workers must receive mandatory time off before being permitted to work, similar to airline pilots again - for example (not actual policy numbers), “surgeons may not conduct any surgeries for a minimum of 24 hours after conducting any surgery lasting over 8 hours, or any surgery where the patient died or nearly died.” Actual figures and circumstances to be determined later, the essence of the policy is mandatory rest periods to avoid the effects of fatigue on healthcare workers.Fitness Centers / Gyms are to be considered a public good, and thus shall be provided by the State at no direct cost to citizens, the same as libraries are.Incorporate mental health screenings into the mandatory annual health check-ups.

Economic Policy

Corporations have a social & moral responsibility to the Nation & Its People, not only to its shareholders or profits. In instances where there is conflict between these 2 groups, it is imperative that moral duty take precedent over profit.Corporate “personhood” is no longer a valid concept, Corporations do not have human rights.Businesses under a Worker Co-Op / Cooperative structure are given tax breaksMethods of manipulating money without meaningful contribution to society must be removed.
Corporations doing business abroad in countries where the tax rate is lower (tax havens) or exploiting cheaper labor are penalized
A governmental office will be created that identifies key industries and resources that can be shifted to be more self-sufficient in line with the State’s goal of economic self-reliance.
Nationalize water and energy services, they must be publicly owned by local communities.Stricter antitrust enforcementStrict reduction in the use of nudge, dark pattern, and subtle psychological manipulation marketingDismissal / Firing of employees must be forbidden except for justified reasons. (Currently, a lot of jobs have “at will” employees which can be fired for any reason at any time)Establish a special court system specifically for the Dismissal of Employees, any dismissal, suspension, involuntarily leave, etc. must be approved by a Court.Ban the charging of interest.Dissolution of all private banks in favor of financial cooperatives and mutuals such as credit unions, building societies, mutual banks and friendly societiesTax on owned but unoccupied homes over a value of $1 Million.Tax Code must be simplified immensely, loopholes are to be eliminated & intentionally exploiting the tax code unethically is to be illegal.Corporate bonuses and stock rewards are to be taxed the same as incomeSoftware-Focused Companies must make a minimum 50% of their products & code open-source.Full-Time is defined as 24 hours of work per week, no more than 4 days per week. A legal limit of 32 hours per week unless an approved government exemption is granted for extenuating circumstances and job fields.Any hours over 24 hours per week (overtime) must be paid at 1.5x the base wage, and any hours worked over 32 must be paid at 2x.Promote the having of children by couples by linking the amount of children you have to easier promotions, cheaper goods, greater social benefits & educational opportunities.Couples who have a child will receive a minimum of 12 months paid time off.Companies must provide a commuting allowance for workers using public transportation, or another sustainable mode of transport such as an E-Bike (Owned or Shared) or normal bicycle (cars, even electric ones, do not count).Companies must provide a subsidy/allowance for lunch to its workers, on the condition that the lunch is A) Not directly corporate-provided and B) The location (like a chain, restaurant, or café) is within walking distance of the workplace.
Introduce a working act where those who have committed petty crimes, work for the state by planting trees, community service etc.
The pay of the CEO / Corporate leadership cannot increase if the pay of all employees does not rise by the same percentage amount, likewise for bonuses.Increase the Minimum Wage to match inflation and buying power. Force price restrictions to ensure companies do not raise prices in response, this is because corporations have not been matching wages with these 2 metrics for decades, we are simply making up that lost ground. Any company that attempts to raise prices is threatened with nationalization.Worker’s wages must go up alongside productivity at all times.Program to put every single homeless and unemployed able-bodied man to work by working with the private sector and implementation of monumental public workers programs such as the expansion of public transit networks, new hydroelectric dams, revamping all infrastructureA minimum of 22 days paid vacation time per year is mandated, not including public holidays, which must also be paid days off.Employers have no right to contact Employees outside of work hoursThe minimum age to gain employment of any sort is 18, with 0 exemptions.Any business which depends on paying less than living wages to its workers has no right to exist, living wage is not defined as bare minimum sustenance, it means the wages of a decent living.Corporations must set aside a minimum of 1% of their profits to be reinvested into the communities in which they operate.The duration of Lunch for workers, regardless of hours worked, cannot be less than 1 hour. Similarly, non-Lunch breaks, regardless of hours worked, cannot be less than 30 minutes each.All job listings must be centralized into a single State-Run jobs locator/program, replacing antiquated & fractured job-searching services into a single, convenient service.Fines levied against corporations will be in tandem with of Equity Fines, wherein the State will take an increasing amount of shares in the corporation for every infraction.Instances where a worker needs an automobile under the commercial criteria outlined in Section III, the business must provide the vehicle - the individual worker is not permitted to purchase or own the vehicle independently, and access to the automobile is revoked if the worker no longer needs it or ceases to work for the business.All employees, in both private & public sectors, must receive training on whistleblower rights, protections, and limitations.

Social Policy

Technological progress must not change society too quicklyPolitical authority must be exercised unrestrained with no limits.It is the role of the state to defend and promote the common good of society.The State should pursue Talitarism (Thomashunterosguthorpism)Greater emphasis on the community, the collective.The state has a duty to honor the family, to assist it, and to ensure the freedom to establish a family, the protection of the marriage bond & the institution of family, to obtain work & housing, to medical care, and to assistance for the aged.In order to fulfill the above & protect the common good, the state must also protect civil society from dangers to the moral order such as drugs, pornography, sexual promiscuity, crime, alcoholism, addiction, etc.Expressed ideas or any opposition to the state which threaten the stability of the moral order, or themselves are not conforming to the moral order, must be silenced and neutered.The prison system must shift away from punitive measures & towards rehabilitation for criminals that are not major threats to society. This is to include aiding those leaving the prison system with reintegration into society.Form a government funded program that reviews animal protection servicesImprove housing choice for elderly and disabled peopleAbortion rights are to be guaranteed.The Foster / Adoption system is to be revamped.Contraceptives (condoms, “the pill”, birth control, etc.) are to distributed by the state.Troubling & Addictive actions/substances such as alcohol, hard drugs, smoking, gambling, sports betting, etc. are to be illegal.Body Integrity is important, thus citizens must not be allowed to pierce, circumcise, or tattoo their bodies for nonmedical reasons.Establish a Department dedicated to the culture of the nation, which will, among other things - contain a National Orchestra/Choir that focuses on folk & classical, promote the art industry to focus on classical & neoclassical art, promote the construction of beautiful architecture by offering tax incentives & even funding for such projects, and hold cultural festivals.Each Able-Bodied Male at 18 must serve a minimum of 2 years within the nation’s military.Limit of $5/Month that minors can spend in Video Games.Prospective, Expecting, and/or New Parents must go through a mandatory parental training series which will equip them with the knowledge on the most scientifically up-to-date parenting styles, essential knowledge on raising children, and other information conducive to good parenting.Housing must be seen and enshrined as a fundamental right, as such the State is obligated to provide permanent housing to the homeless without precondition.All purchasers of firearms, regardless for what purpose, must go through extensive gun-safety training before being allowed to use or own. This safety training must be re-certified every 5 years, failure to pass proper safety training results in immediate confiscation of firearms.All purchases of firearms, regardless for what purpose, must also go through thorough backgrounds checks assessing criminal history & the health of their mental health.Universal and Free access to childcare.Freemasonry & Other Similar “Secret Societies” are to be criminalized and hunted ruthlessly until they do not exist.

Foreign Affairs Policy

Refugees cannot be given permanent residence, and are only allowed in on a temporary basis. They cannot walk freely or integrate into society, so they do not come to view it as home.Immigrants must be of similar cultural backgroundAdult Immigrants must have finished secondary education, and show proof of enough income or disposable reserves to live in the country without being reliant on welfare.The State should become involved in the regions where asylum or refugee pressure is greatest, to address the root cause of the issue - by means of economic assistance, encouraging political reform/stability, etc.Permanent Asylum is granted on a high-bar, per-case basis to individuals in the event of a clear & imminent danger to the person's life, such as a dissenting journalist, activist, etc.We are in support of a global international authority, under the principle of subsidiary, endowed with the authority to independently intervene and act only in cases where individual States cannot adequately solve the issue such as with regard to Climate Change, Global Migration Patterns, Genocide, Famine, etc.Our State has an obligation to intervene in other areas of the globe if atrocious violations of human rights and/or genocide are taking place, in accordance with International Law & the cooperation of other States.The State should maintain a large & modern Nuclear Arsenal as a deterrent, and adopt a “no first use” policy regarding their use.
The State should support the implementation of a Global 20% Minimum Corporate Tax Rate, such that no State is allowed to have minimum Corporate Tax Rates below 20%.

Government Policy

Make public embezzlement or accepting bribes punishable by up to life imprisonment and/or execution.Far Stricter anti-corruption measures.Government Officials may not hold concurrent positions in enterprise/business.All election spending must be audited, and all transactions must be public.Voting should be limited to the Male National Citizen Population after they have completed their 2 years military service.Political Advertisements on TV are not allowed.Lobbying by corporations/private groups cannot be allowed. Money must be eliminated from the political process.Local Governments (Municipalities, Cities, Etc) must operate in a state where revenue exceeds expenses. (“Financial Solvency is a Prerequisite of long-term Prosperity” Strong Towns Principle)Government Salaries for professional workers (non-elected) should be comparable & competitive with their private sector counterparts, in order to attract better talent. (e.x A government computer engineer should be paid similarly to a computer engineer at a major tech firm)State Data, Research, Contracts, & Records should be transparent and open to the public - except where such information is of national security importance.Establish an independent & autonomous Whistleblower Protection Office responsible for receiving (via secure, encrypted channels for whistleblowers to report concerns anonymously), investigating, and protecting whistleblowers in both private & public sectors from job loss, legal liability, and retaliation. The allegations & results of whistleblower investigations will be made public in accordance with State Transparency.Internal Bureaucratic Promotions should be Merit-Based and consideration of duration / seniority should have zero impact on internal upward mobility.Government Spending (Amount & What For) shall be reported, in real-time, to the public - except where such information is of national security importance.Government Software, except where such information is of national security importance, should be open-source.There shall be no private lawyers nor private courts (arbitration/mediation). All matters of legal disputes shall be addressed in the State’s Courts, under the principle of rule of law. All those practicing the law shall be employed by the State, and any citizen or entity will be represented at no cost or condition.


Contact to Join

What should I do next?

Educate! Proselytize! Coalesce! A movement cannot exist without believers, without adherents and without organization. Read the Program Of The RCAGP and find like-minded individuals in your area! Remember; Alone you are nothing, together you are everything! You have the energy and dedication to fight for a better world!


Supreme Leader's Signature

The actualization of the Universal Empire (UE) in the fulfillment of the Supreme Leader's "Master Plan" is the ultimate overarching goal of the RCAGP and Talitarist ideology.

The structure of the Universal Empire is that of which is a universally desirable and ideal system. This system ensures: Law, Order, Peace, Protection, and Prosperity.


National Leadership
The Supreme Leader is in direct control of the entire organizational structure of the Radical Centrist American Green Party. Surrounding him are appointed National Leaders who are assigned as administrators for promoting various facets of the organizations operations including national election campaigns, facilitating the development of the party platform, organizational strategy.
The RCAGP is subject first to the Supreme Leader's whims, then the Imperial Charter of the party.

Regional Leadership
Each state has a "Regional Leader" appointed by the Supreme Leader of the party, who then oversees the establishment of a hierarchy of Political Leaders operating at each administrative division down to the cell (neighborhood) level.
Regional Leadership controls and coordinate campaign activities within their jurisdiction, oversee local conventions, and appoints candidates for elected office under state law. They are supervised by the National Leadership.

Universal Empire

Universal Empire Flag - Imperial Seal

Motto: "Peace and Prosperity"

Anthem: "The Universal Empire Stands Heroically In The Universe."

Capital: Osguthorpe IC (Osguthorpe Imperial Center)

Religion: Taoism

Government: Unitary Stratocratic One-Party Totalitarian State under an Absolute Monarchy

Supreme Leader: Thomas Hunter Osguthorpe

Upper House: Imperial Rule Association
Lower House: Imperial Committee

-Party Chapters-
Whatcom County


The Radical Centrist American Green Party utilizes many social media platforms, each described below. Some platforms have multiple accounts for organizing the wide range of content.

Talitarism Simplified
Updated as of 11/4/2024
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What is Talitarism?
Talitarism (Thomashunterosguthorpism) is an ideological movement emphasizing Legalist cultivation of the state that strives to work toward the establishment of the Ideal State.
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How is Talitarism practiced?
Talitarism occurs through implementation by a Supreme Leader and Total State primarily using principles of the school of zájiā (Syncretism or Mixed), and school of fajia (Laws and Methods) most commonly known as Legalism; but also taking into consideration any thinkers who have been able to observe truths of universally occurring phenomena.
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What is the Ideal State?
The Ideal State itself is the:
formed and structured based on Talitarist methodology, it is universally desirable by the whole of mankind. It is universally desirable because it provides working solutions for the most important societal issues that are universal, Poverty (The people are lacking), Impartiality (There is injustice), villainy (Criminals roam freely), and their origins.
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How is an Ideal State created?
The Ideal State is created by the Thomashunterosguthorpe revolutionary imperial organization utilizing Tali (Talitarist Application of the Methods of Legalism) which also may be referred to as Talitarization (Scientific Totalitarianism).
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What is Tali?
Tali itself has three components: Self-Actualization of State and Society, Administrative Apotheosis, and Osguthorpe Intramutualism.
Tali is the methodology of the process of ascension of the Supreme Leader and State to embody universally desirable qualities of leadership, legalism, statesmanship, and statecraft, imbued in the both of them the ultimate capacity to analyze societies problems (Observation), learn the root causes for them (Intelligence), and being in possession of the tools required (Power) to deal with these issues with swiftly and efficiently.— 5—
What is the Self Actualization of State and Society?
Self-Actualization of State and Society is the realization of a state and societies potentiality through the establishment of a total society, which entails the total social, societal synchronization, control and coordination of all institutions of society to align in harmony with human nature under the guiding hand of the Supreme Leader.
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What is Administrative Apotheosis?
Administrative Apotheosis refers to the reform and restructuring of government operations to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness in the enacting of a society which is ruled by laws and order. It can be understood as a historic process of the emergence and continued evolution of the state entity accumulating a greater capacity for observation, intelligence, and power until it is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent.
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What is Osguthorpe Intramutualism?
Osguthorpe Intramutualism, or Osguthorpe Economics, is a system of analysis, framework, methodology, and codified structure created by Thomas Hunter Osguthorpe for how a universally ideal mode of production, organization, and distribution to take care of the totality of human welfare is implemented.
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What is the core of Talitarism?
A Talitarist is in harmony with the universe, they are flexible, fluid, adaptable, dynamic, and opportunistic. Knowing the methodology of Tali and Osguthorpe Intramutualism, they have a framework for knowing how society works, knowing how to identify societal issues, knowing the methods for how to solve these issues, and having the resolve to put their acquired knowledge into ACTION.
First and foremost they follow the
Leadership Principle
meaning that the word of the Supreme Leader is above all law, and that government policies, decisions, and offices all should work towards the realization of the will of the Supreme Leader. They identify with the vision of the Supreme Leader State as the Ideal State and Ultimate Societal Framework of the Supreme Ultimate. They place ultimate faith and trust in his Master Plan and thus are loyal, obedient, and subservient to his will.